11 October 2011

Too many titles and one Beta

Again with this crap, too many games to play and no time to lose. And don't even remind me of those PS3 games I have. Last title was Heavy Rain which has about 5hours of gameplay, and after that I have only used the console for videos and movies. Oh well, can only blame myself for hogging games like rare item collector, but newer finishing them. Reminds me of buying Terry Pratchett's novels...

Last game I finished was Dead Island, but you can play it again after completing it though. Other games I have started but never finished (and I mean those that have a value of finishing): Dragon Age 2, Hunted The Demon's Forge, Fist of the North Star Ken's Rage(PS3), Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce (PS3), Far Cry 2, Deus Ex HR. Too big list if you ask me. PS3 titles were mostly a case that I wanted to try them out, because they are KOEI titles. Both of them are kind of games that you have get used to before you can enjoy them. I didn't get past that line yet, but I'm thinking to return to. But unlikely in this year.

Luckily there is still Battlefield 3 Beta running, even if europe retail release is little over two weeks from now (28.10). And even if it is released, I believe lots of gamers are going to play the multiplayer over singleplayer more. I just hope the plot for singleplayer mode is playable, which reminds me of Battlefield Bad Company 2, which I never finished, but I don't care...multiplayer was tons of fun!

BF3 beta is quite nice game at the moment, with some bugs and glitches, but hey, what game doesn't have any of those. I have encountered couple glitches, one from alpha state and one from beta. Beta glitch was so tiny that I don't remember what it was, but I know it was there. They told that there was hundreds of bug and glitch fixes from alpha to beta, but we don't know what have changed. And now they promise to fix more bugs for retail version from all the feedback in Battlelog.

If there is bugs in retail version, they don't bother me as long as they aren't "in the way", which hasn't happened to me in alpha or in beta yet. At the moment as beta is running, I have had a blast of fun. Have only encountered couple nuts in the game, one who shot teammates for no reason and squad mates who ran straight to enemy fire without looking up if there was any threat.

And now if I would get some inspirations, I might continue to clean and make my sisters website to half ready. Till then, games are on hold...oh the horror!

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