9 November 2011

THE Battlefield

Battlefield series hasn't been my favourite game series at first. Liked Battlefield 1942 for while and even got the World War 2 Anthology pack which includes every BF 1942 game. One of the things I do remember, tried the multiplayer few times, but didn't like it as much as I would hoped for. Sniping was pretty awkward sometimes, if you tried to shoot far away. I don't know if sniper rifles were that powerful in that era, but they really aren't sniper rifles, if you can't shoot far away with good accuracy. And the vehicle handling were also pretty nasty job...
Second game in the series was Battlefield 2, which was "demo" version only I played. Never got into it to actually buy it. And in the end I just felt 1942 beats it easily.

There was two BF titles I didn't got into either and never even tried them: Battlefield 2142 and Battlefield Bad Company (if you count Play4Free and Online it's four, but now I'm not going for the free games). I don't even remember if I knew about the first Bad Company title, or it was the time I played other games so much to never realized it to even existed.

Years back, only shooter I played with great joy was Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (and few years from this there was Unreal Tournament). There were no realistic gameplay (nowadays you can let the mods handle those), but that's not the point in that game. You have fun and play with mods (sometimes all you see is modded servers nowadays and not the simple servers) and laugh to ragequitters. Another title I played for while was Left 4 Dead 2. Not war game, but pretty good shooter survival game.

Back to BF...
I believe it was a random news somewhere on the internet for Battlefield Bad Company 2 closed beta. It was on going beta test and I wanted to test it, but felt I were too late to participate. It was one of the happiest news for me at that time when I got invite in after throwing application for code. After the beta it wasn't too long when EA released it on retail. Lucky enough, with little help from my childhood friend, I got Bad Company 2 title for very good price (not the full price you get locally). This was very first "realistic" war-shooter game I loved. This was the game where I fell in love for Recon class and since I have been more of a sniper than rambo with Assault or Support class. Don't get me wrong though, I like all of the classes, they have their own good features to help squadmates. But there was one big thing that got me into Recon class: M95! One manly sniper rifle.

Almost one full year of Bad Company 2 and then I got little tired of shooters and because there were other game releases that I wanted to try out - and I have bad habit to NOT play them through at first, if they are sinlge player games. But when I saw E3 2011 show with videos for upcoming games, one title raised my mind: Battlefield 3! Before E3 I knew this was coming, but few than less knew anything about this. After the demo video I was sooo hooked to this to hope there would be beta test as previous title. And while I was watching somebody playing other shooter I heard if  you want to get in alpha, you had to have Medal of Honor Tier 1 (Limited) edition to get automatic invite to BF3 alpha test - and of course I wanted to be in! Medal of Honor was one of the first game I bought to play another game and not play it almost at all. Only one mission, and that's it - kind of waste of money, but it had to be done for another great game.

But now that alpha and beta test phases are over and thousands bugs and glitches fixed - and still few them intact - game is released. I didn't get it on Europes release date, few days later but it didn't bother, 'cause I knew there would be gamers who literally take their time to get ahead of others. You really can't compete with them. But if you aren't playing for fun, for what are playing for?

The Barrett Model 98B a.k.a. 98 Bravo
Anyways, I have had fun with BF3. Had little tough start, but now as I'm used to the gameplay, it is easy - as long your teammates work with you! At the time I write this, I have unlocked SV98 (and 12x scope and bipod) which is awesome compination with recon class. One unlock to wait is M98B even if it takes while to get, but hey, it's a Barrett for god's sakes!

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